Parking Garages and Lots Bird Control: Effective Solutions

Written by Erick Wolf

parking lots bird control

With countless pipes to perch on and covered ledges to nest in, it is no surprise that parking lots bird control is crucial. People park their cars in garages to avoid birds and their droppings, assuming a facility will keep their vehicles clean. Unfortunately, pest birds wreak havoc throughout parking structures worldwide.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at bird control for parking facilities, including discussing why it’s crucial and identifying some of the most popular methods of bird control for garages available today.

Why Use Bird Control in Parking Lots and Garages?

Parking lots bird control is essential because pest birds can be a real nuisance. Here are a few reasons why you should prioritize parking garage bird control for your business.

Health Hazards

The feces of pest birds is not only a mess to deal with but can also pose health threats to employees and patrons. These droppings can be the transmission source of over 60 diseases, including Salmonella, E. Coli, and West Nile virus.

Fire Hazards

Parking garages can fall victim to fires as bird nesting materials make excellent kindling. This hazard can become a massive issue for garages when heated bulbs or electrical wiring come in contact with feathers and twigs in bird nests. 

Slip and Fall Hazards

Promoting safety should always be front of mind as a business owner. That’s why parking garage bird control is pivotal in increasing your patrons' and employees' safety. Slips and falls can come easily due to bird droppings throughout the premises.

parking lots bird control

Damage to the Structure and Vehicles

Bird droppings are known for being acidic and can cause extreme damage, especially for vehicles. With effective bird control for parking lots, you can help keep areas and vehicles clean by eliminating the source.

High Clean-Up and Repair Costs

Save countless hours cleaning corrosive bird droppings by focusing your efforts on parking lots bird control. Rather than paying a cleaning team throughout the year, invest up front in discovering reliable bird control for garages.

Reputation Damage and Customer Complaints

Avoid damaging the reputation of a well-established parking facility from customer complaints due to pest birds. It’s always best to minimize your weaknesses to the best of your abilities by focusing on effective parking lots bird control methods.

Proven Parking Lots Bird Control Strategies

Here are the most popular options for parking lots bird control available today. 

Birth Control

The most humane option for bird control for parking garages currently on the market comes in the form of bird birth control. Rather than attacking the live population of pest birds, birth control limits the flocks' capability to multiply at rapid, uncontrollable rates.

Bird Netting 

One of the oldest forms of parking lots bird control is bird netting, which creates a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing or making nests in otherwise desirable areas. While bird netting can effectively keep birds away from specific areas, it doesn’t work effectively in parking facilities, which require large, open spaces for traffic to move through.

Bird Spikes and Wires

Another form of bird control for parking facilities is bird spikes and wires. To help keep birds away from more popular roosting areas around parking garages, you can get these devices in various splay widths, ranging from one to ten inches. Bird spikes and wires can help prevent perching in specific areas of buildings, but pest birds will undoubtedly find a way to rest in other locations whenever possible. 

Bird Slopes

A bird slope is a physical barrier preventing birds from perching on eaves or open ledges. The panels are UV-protected PVC to ensure sun and weather resistance and effectively deter small and large birds. Bird slopes are likely not the best option if you want to eliminate pest bird populations from your parking facilities.

pigeon control in parking lots

Bird Gel

Bird gel is yet another popular parking lots bird control method, although it tends to be the most inhumane option currently on the market. Because the gel is designed to be so sticky, if a bird lands on it, it often gets stuck in its feathers, hindering its ability to fly and, thus, its survival.

Bird Deterrent Sound System

For parking lots bird control, bird deterrent sound systems are relatively humane. This form of bird control continually alters its sounds' intensity, timing, frequency, and pitch. Some of these systems can deter multiple species, while others specialize in just a few. Typically, these systems are expensive.

Visual Bird Deterrents

Visual bird deterrents startle birds using a strong contrast between the laser beam and the ambient light. While lasers work as a safer alternative to parking lots bird control methods, they are limited during conditions with lighter ambient lighting.

Why is OvoControl The Most Effective Method for Parking Lots Bird Control?

When finding effective bird control for parking lots, you’ll often find that it requires multiple options to get the job done. You might have to get creative, especially in larger, more extensive facilities. Thankfully, OvoControl is the new solution to bird control for garages.

Thinking it is food, birds thoughtlessly consume OvoControl, which strictly limits the ability of a pigeon’s egg to develop fully. OvoControl is an edible, kibble-type bird birth control used throughout parking garages and is one of the most effective bird control methods available today.

Final Thoughts

While there are a few different parking lots bird control options, they often require multiple solutions and can still not be effective at minimizing damages and costs. OvoControl remains one of the most humane and practical solutions to bird control for parking facilities today. Its multiple delivery options make it customizable to any bird population size, while its non-toxic active ingredient ensures humane treatment of the birds.