Steel Mills Bird Control: Proven Methods and Strategies

Written by Erick Wolf

steel mills bird control

Steel mills are extensive industrial facilities vital to the global economy, producing steel and other metals used in various applications. These facilities also attract birds due to their heat source, open doors, wide-open spaces, and presence of food and water. 

While birds are a natural part of the environment, their presence in steel mills can pose significant risks. Bird droppings, feathers, and body oils can form hazardous fumes, creating health and fire hazards for employees. 

Additionally, birds can become entangled in machinery, leading to equipment damage and contamination, frequent and costly maintenance cycles, production stoppages, and potential liabilities.
This blog will discuss proven methods and strategies for effective steel mills bird control.

Why is Steel Mills Bird Control Important?

Bird control is essential for steel mills due to the various risks associated with bird presence. Here are some primary reasons why bird control is necessary for steel mills.

Health Risks

Bird droppings contain uric acid, which can damage surfaces and equipment, leading to costly repairs and replacements. Bird feathers and body oils can also form hazardous fumes, creating health hazards for employees.

Fire Hazards

Fire hazards for employees can be created due to bird feathers and body oils contributing to the formation of hazardous fumes. These fumes can ignite and cause fires, resulting in property damage and potential employee harm.

Slip and Fall Hazards

Bird droppings can create slippery surfaces, leading to workplace slip and fall hazards. Slip and fall accidents can result in injuries and potential liabilities for steel mills.

pigeons in steel mill

Equipment Damage and Contamination

Sensitive equipment can be contaminated by bird droppings and other bird-related debris, leading to equipment damage and costly repairs and replacements.

Frequent and Costly Maintenance Cycles

Bird droppings and other bird-related debris require frequent and costly maintenance cycles to clean and repair equipment. These maintenance cycles can be time-consuming and disrupt production.

Production Stoppages

Production stoppages and costly downtime may result from birds that can become entangled in machinery. These stoppages can result in lost revenue and delays in product delivery.

Potential Liabilities

Bird-related injuries, such as slip and fall accidents, can result in potential liabilities for steel mills. Additionally, bird-related property damage can result in costly legal disputes and liabilities.

Birds are attracted to steel mills due to their heat source, open doors, wide-open spaces, and presence of food and water. To mitigate these risks, steel mills need effective bird control methods. 

Effective Strategies for Steel Mills Bird Control

Several bird control methods are available for steel mills, each with advantages and disadvantages. Steel mills should choose a bird control method based on their needs, budget, and environmental factors. Here are some of the most popular bird control methods. 

Birth Control

Bird birth control is the most humane option when it comes to bird control for steel mills. Rather than attacking the live population, birth control limits the flocks' ability to multiply rapidly and uncontrollably.

Bird Netting 

Bird netting is an effective bird control method to prevent birds from entering specific areas of steel mills. Bird netting is made from durable materials such as polyethylene, nylon, or polypropylene and is available in various sizes and shapes. Bird netting can be installed vertically or horizontally, depending on the specific needs of the steel mill. 

Although bird netting is effective against all types of birds, including pigeons, seagulls, and sparrows, there are better solutions than this for larger, more extensive facilities.

Bird Deterrents

Another effective steel mills bird control method comes in the form of bird deterrents. Bird deterrents come in many forms, including visual, auditory, and sensory. 

  • Visual bird deterrents: include reflective surfaces, predator decoys, and bird scare balloons

  • Auditory bird deterrents: include sonic devices that emit bird distress calls or predator sounds

  • Sensory bird deterrents: include taste aversions, bird repellent gels, and bird spikes

pigeons at steel mill

Bird Spikes and Wires

Bird spikes and wires are a popular bird control method used to prevent birds from landing on ledges, roofs, and other surfaces. Bird spikes and wires are made from durable materials such as stainless steel and plastic and are easy to install. Bird spikes and wires are effective against all birds, including pigeons, seagulls, and sparrows.

Bird Gel

Bird gel is a bird control method to create a sticky surface that birds avoid landing on. It is easy to apply and can last for several months. Bird gel can be used on ledges, roofs, and other surfaces where birds like to roost.

Unfortunately, bird gel may be considered one of the most inhumane options for steel mills' bird control as it directly impacts a bird’s survival capabilities.

Why Use OvoControl for Steel Mills Bird Control?

OvoControl is the best solution for steel mills' bird control for several reasons. 

First, OvoControl is a humane and environmentally-friendly bird control method that does not harm birds or other animals. Second, OvoControl is easy to use and can be implemented quickly and efficiently.

Third, OvoControl is a long-term solution that reduces the pigeon population over time, eliminating the need for costly and frequent maintenance cycles associated with other bird control methods. Finally, OvoControl is cost-effective, making it an ideal solution for steel mills looking to reduce bird-related expenses.

Final Thoughts

Bird control is critical for steel mills due to the risks associated with bird presence, including health hazards, fire hazards, equipment damage, and production stoppages. Steel mills can choose from various bird control methods, including bird netting, bird deterrents, bird spikes and wires, bird gel, and bird birth control. 

OvoControl is the best solution for steel mills’ bird control due to its humane and environmentally-friendly nature, ease of use, long-term effectiveness, and cost-effectiveness. 

By implementing effective bird control methods, steel mills can ensure employees' safe and productive work environment while reducing bird-related expenses.