Prison Bird Control: Proven Methods and Strategies

Written by Erick Wolf

prison bird control

Prison bird control is critical because birds are attracted to prison buildings. Pest birds flock to these areas because they provide ample shelter, food, and nesting sites. Prisons often have flat roofs, which provide an ideal location for birds to roost and nest. Additionally, prisons generate much food waste, attracting birds searching for food. The high walls and fences surrounding prisons also provide a perfect place for birds to perch, roost, and nest.

Thankfully, prisons no longer have to be the victim of this never-ending battle with jail bird control. Today, bird control for prison comes armed with an arsenal of effective and safe products.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at bird control for jail, including discussing why it’s important and identifying some of the most popular prison bird control methods today.

Why is Prison Bird Control Important?

Prison bird control is crucial due to the numerous problems caused by bird infestations. 

Property Damages and Deterioration

Prisons are often located in areas with high bird populations. Without adequate bird control measures, bird droppings, feathers, and nests can accumulate on the prison's property. This accumulation can cause significant property damage and deterioration, leading to high repair and clean-up costs. 

Health and Safety Risks

Bird droppings pose a health and safety risk, exposing inmates and staff to various diseases, such as Histoplasmosis, a respiratory disease caused by inhaling the fungus in bird droppings. Additionally, birds can carry West Nile Virus and other diseases, which can be transmitted to people.

pigeon control at prisons

Fire Hazard

Bird infestations can also create a fire hazard as birds often build nests in and around air vents and electrical equipment, leading to the potential for electrical fires. 

Air Vent Blocking

Air vents can also become blocked, reducing airflow and increasing the cost of energy to cool or heat the prison. 

The Mess and Noise Created By Birds

The mess and noise created by birds can be a significant source of stress for inmates and staff, affecting the quality of life inside the prison. 

Potential Liability and Penalties

Furthermore, bird droppings can lead to potential liability and penalties for prisons as they can be considered a public health hazard.

Proven Prison Bird Control Methods

Various bird control methods are available to eliminate bird infestations in prisons. Each bird control method has advantages and disadvantages, and selecting the right one depends on the type and severity of the bird infestation.

Birth Control

Bird birth control is a highly effective method of reducing bird populations over time. The approach involves feeding birds with bait laced with a contraceptive drug that prevents bird eggs from hatching.

Bird Netting

Bird netting involves the installation of a barrier of nets to prevent birds from entering a specific area. This method effectively prevents bird roosting and nesting in particular areas, but it can be challenging to install and maintain in large areas.

Bird Spikes and Wires

Bird spikes and wires are physical barriers that prevent birds from perching on particular surfaces. This method is highly effective in preventing birds from roosting and nesting in specific areas, and it is relatively easy to install and maintain. However, bird spikes and wires may not be effective against all bird species.

pigeons at prison building

Bird Slopes

Bird slopes are angled panels that prevent birds from perching and roosting on flat surfaces such as roofs, ledges, and walls. This method is highly effective in preventing bird roosting and nesting in specific areas and is relatively easy to install and maintain.

Bird Deterrent Sound System

Bird deterrent sound systems use high-frequency sounds to repel birds from specific areas. This method is highly effective in deterring birds but can be challenging to install and maintain in large areas.

Electric Bird Deterrents

Electric bird deterrents use a mild shock to deter birds from perching and roosting in specific areas. This method is highly effective in preventing birds from roosting and nesting, but it requires professional installation and maintenance.

Why is OvoControl Effective for Prison Bird Control?

OvoControl is a highly effective and humane bird control method that uses baited birth control to reduce bird populations. OvoControl is a ready-to-use bait that contains a contraceptive agent that disrupts the reproduction cycle of birds. When birds consume the bait, they lay infertile eggs, reducing the overall bird population over time.

OvoControl is particularly effective for large bird populations like those found around prisons. It is a humane and environmentally friendly solution that does not harm the birds or other wildlife.

In addition to being effective, OvoControl is also easy to use and cost-effective. It can be administered by trained staff or contractors and requires no special equipment or training. OvoControl is also less expensive than other bird control methods like netting and electric deterrents, making it an attractive option for prisons looking to reduce their bird populations.

Final Thoughts

Overall, bird control is an essential issue for prisons. The presence of birds can cause property damage, health and safety risks, and high repair and clean-up costs. Fortunately, many effective prison bird control methods exist, including birth control, netting, spikes, wires, slopes, sound systems, and electric deterrents. 

Among these methods, OvoControl stands out as an effective, humane, and cost-effective solution for reducing bird populations around prisons.