Retail Stores Bird Control: The Most Effective Methods

Written by Erick Wolf

retail stores bird control

In an era where a well-presented storefront can make or break customer impressions, retail stores' bird control has become a vital maintenance aspect. A proactive approach to bird control for retail stores is the best way to prevent various problems, from property damage to potential liabilities.

In this article, we’ll take an in-depth look at retail stores' bird control, including discussing why it’s important and identifying some of the most popular bird control for retail stores methods available on the market today.

Why is Retail Stores Bird Control Important?

Retail stores bird control is critical for retail stores due to several reasons. The most prominent are property damages, high clean-up and maintenance costs, fire hazards, health hazards, air vent blocking, unhappy customers, retail store image damage, and potential liabilities.

Property Damages

Bird droppings can cause significant damage to storefronts, rooftops, signage, and parking lots. They may even lead to clogged drains, resulting in water damage.

High Clean-Up and Maintenance Costs

The mess created by birds often leads to increased clean-up and maintenance costs. These feathered visitors can inadvertently leave behind droppings, feathers, and other debris, affecting the store's aesthetic appeal and necessitating regular and thorough cleaning.

Fire Hazards

The presence of bird feathers and twigs may pose fire hazards when they come into contact with heated bulbs or electrical wiring. This not only endangers the safety of customers and employees but also puts the entire retail store at risk. It is essential for retail stores to regularly inspect and remove any bird nests or debris near electrical installations. 

Health Hazards

Birds can carry diseases transmissible to humans, posing serious health risks to customers and employees. Retail stores must prioritize maintaining a bird-free environment and implementing effective deterrent strategies to alleviate these risks. This proactive approach helps safeguard the well-being of both customers and employees, promoting a safe and hygienic shopping environment.

Air Vent Blocking

Bird droppings flowing into air vents can create an unhealthy environment for retail shoppers. When birds perch or nest near air conditioning or ventilation systems, their droppings can enter the vents and circulate throughout the store. As a result, retail stores must take proactive measures to prevent birds from nesting near ventilation systems.

Unhappy Customers

retail store pigeon control

Birds can be distracting, and their droppings can deter visitors from entering your store, thereby diminishing its appeal. Retailers must invest in ongoing efforts to ensure a clean and inviting customer shopping environment.

Retail Store Image Damage

Birds and their mess can tarnish the image of a retail store. When customers visit a store, they expect a clean and pleasant environment. However, bird droppings on storefronts, windows, or signage can give a negative impression and create an unsightly appearance. 

Potential Liabilities

A store can face potential liabilities if birds or their droppings cause injury or disease. Birds are often attracted to retail stores because of open food sources, open garbage cans, and rooftops that can provide shelter. Thus, it becomes imperative to implement effective bird control methods in retail stores.

The Most Effective Retail Stores Bird Control Methods

Retail stores’ bird control involves a range of methods, each with unique applications and effectiveness.

Birth Control

Bird birth control, such as OvoControl, is one effective method used to regulate the bird population in retail environments. The "Why Use OvoControl" section covers more details on this.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is a physical barrier that can prevent birds from accessing potential nesting or roosting areas. However, it can be visually unappealing and requires regular maintenance to ensure it remains intact and effective. Moreover, netting installation can be challenging on larger or more complex structures.

Bird Spikes and Wires

Bird spikes and wires effectively deter birds from landing on surfaces, but they are not suitable for all areas. These methods can also detract from the aesthetics of the retail store and may not be effective against smaller bird species.

Bird Gel

Bird gel can deter birds from landing or roosting on surfaces. However, it can be messy, requires reapplication over time, and may not withstand harsh weather conditions. Also, it may cause harm to non-target species.

Bird Hazers

While bird hazers can effectively deter birds, they need to be used consistently for maximum effect. They also require a power source and may not be suitable for use in all weather conditions.

Bird Deterrents

Visual scare devices and sound machines can keep birds at bay. However, birds may eventually become accustomed to these deterrents, reducing their effectiveness. Furthermore, the noise from sound machines could be disruptive to customers.

Regularly Clean Up Walkaways

Regular cleanup of bird droppings can deter birds, but this method alone will not solve a bird infestation problem. It is more of a reactive measure and can also lead to high ongoing maintenance costs.

Control Food Sources

While controlling food sources is an important step, completely eliminating them can be challenging, especially in a busy retail environment with food vendors and waste bins.

Keep The Doors Closed

Keeping doors closed can help deter birds, but it's not always practical in a bustling retail store with constant deliveries and customer foot traffic.

These methods, while useful, have certain limitations and may not provide a comprehensive solution to bird control for retail stores. A more effective and long-term solution may be found in using methods like OvoControl, which addresses the problem at its source - controlling bird population growth.

Why Use OvoControl for Retail Stores Bird Control?

OvoControl is a proven solution for retail stores' bird control. It is a bird birth control method that reduces the bird population in a humane and non-lethal way. By feeding the birds with bait that contains a fertility control agent, the bird population decreases over time. This method is ideal for retail stores because:

  • It's easy to implement

  • It doesn't cause harm to the birds

  • It provides a long-term solution to bird problems

Unlike other methods, OvoControl doesn't require constant upkeep. Once the feeding program is set up, it requires minimal maintenance. The program simply involves setting up automatic feeders that dispense the bait daily. Over time, the bird population reduces as new birds are not born to replace the ones that naturally die.

Final Thoughts

OvoControl is an effective, easy-to-manage, and eco-friendly method for retail stores' bird control. It addresses the bird problem at its root, controlling the bird population growth and significantly reducing their numbers over time. With minimal maintenance and no adverse impact on the store's aesthetics, it's a top choice for retail stores looking to manage their bird issues.