Foundries and Castings Bird Control: Effective Strategies

Written by Erick Wolf , Reviewed by Alexander MacDonald

foundries castings bird control

Foundries’ bird control is critical as foundries and castings are no stranger to bird infestations. These bird infestations can cause many problems for foundries and castings, including health hazards, fire hazards, slip and fall hazards, work interruptions, sensitive equipment contamination, high clean-up and repair costs, and potential liabilities and penalties. 

Fortunately, there are many proven foundries and castings bird control strategies that can help mitigate these issues. In this blog, we will discuss the most popular foundry bird control methods and why OvoControl is the best solution.

Why Use Bird Control for Foundries and Castings?

Birds are attracted to foundries and castings for many reasons, including the heat sources, open doors, and the availability of nesting materials. Foundries' bird control should be implemented to avoid infestations and hazardous conditions.

Health Hazards

Health hazards are a significant concern when it comes to bird infestations in foundries and castings. Birds can carry and spread diseases that can be harmful to humans. Additionally, bird droppings can cause respiratory problems, allergic reactions, and other health issues.

pigeons in foundries

Fire Hazards

Fire hazards are another issue that can arise from bird infestations. Birds often build nests in or near electrical equipment, which can cause electrical fires.

Slip and Fall Hazards

Slip and fall hazards are also a concern, as bird droppings can make floors and walkways slippery and hazardous.

Property and Structural Damage

Warehouses can see considerable damage due to pest bird populations that get out of control. Various damages can be caused by nesting debris alone, especially in warehouse ceilings and rafters.

Work Interruptions

Bird infestations can also cause work interruptions, as workers may need to stop working to clean up bird droppings or remove nests.

Sensitive Equipment Contamination

Sensitive equipment contamination is another issue that can arise from bird infestations. Birds can damage a plant's mechanical and electrical components, leading to costly repairs and downtime.

High Clean-Up and Repair Costs

High clean-up and repair costs are also a concern, as bird droppings can be difficult and expensive to clean up.

Potential Liabilities and Penalties

Additionally, bird infestations can result in potential liabilities and penalties if foundries and castings are not taking adequate measures to control the infestation.

Proven Foundries and Castings Bird Control Strategies

Now that we've discussed the reasons why bird control is important in foundries and castings let's dive into the available foundries and castings’ bird control methods.

Birth Control

Bird birth control is one method that has gained popularity in recent years. Rather than attacking the live population, birth control limits the population's ability to reproduce. It is known for being one of the most humane bird control methods available today.

Bird Netting 

Bird netting is another popular foundries bird control method. Bird netting is a physical barrier that prevents birds from accessing certain areas. It can cover large areas or specific structures, such as roofs or ventilation systems. Bird netting is an effective method for preventing bird infestations, but it requires regular maintenance to ensure that the netting is secure and not damaged.

Bird Deterrents

pigeons in castings

Bird deterrents are another method used for foundries' bird control. There are many bird deterrents, including visual and auditory deterrents, predator decoys, and taste aversions. These methods can be effective in deterring birds from nesting or roosting in certain areas, but they require regular maintenance to ensure that they remain effective.

Bird Spikes and Wires

Another effective method for foundry bird control is bird spikes and wires. These physical barriers prevent birds from landing on surfaces they are not wanted. The spikes and wires are made of sturdy materials like stainless steel and are installed on ledges, beams, and other structures that birds tend to perch on.

These spikes and wires create an uneven surface, making it difficult for birds to land and making their roosting and nesting spots less comfortable. Bird spikes and wires are ideal for large open spaces like foundries and castings with many flat surfaces where birds can land.

Bird Gel

Another effective bird control for foundries is bird gel. This sticky substance is applied to surfaces where birds roost or nest, and the gel is made of non-toxic ingredients and creates a sticky surface that is uncomfortable for birds to land on.

This method is ideal for foundries and castings with complex structures and surfaces that bird spikes and wires may not work on. The gel is easy to apply and lasts up to a year, making it a cost-effective bird control solution. Unfortunately, this is one of the most inhumane bird control options available.

Why is OvoControl Effective for Foundries and Castings Bird Control?

While these bird control methods are effective, OvoControl is the best solution for foundries and castings bird control. OvoControl is a bird birth control product that targets the reproduction of birds without harming them. It is a humane and effective solution for bird control in large outdoor areas like foundries and castings.

OvoControl works by using a bait that is laced with a chemical that inhibits the fertilization of eggs. When birds consume the bait, the chemical is absorbed into their system, and the eggs they lay are infertile. Over time, the bird population decreases, and the need for other bird control methods like bird spikes and wires is reduced.

Using OvoControl for foundries bird control is highly effective because it is a non-lethal, humane solution that doesn't harm the birds or the environment. It is also a cost-effective solution because it reduces the need for ongoing bird control measures like clean-up and repairs and helps prevent potential liabilities and penalties from using harmful bird control methods.

Final Thoughts

Foundries and castings bird control are essential because birds can pose health hazards, fire hazards, slip and fall hazards, and cause work interruptions, sensitive equipment contamination, high clean-up and repair costs, and potential liabilities and penalties. Birds are attracted to foundries and castings because of their heat sources and open doors.

Effective bird control methods include bird netting, bird deterrents, bird spikes and wires, and bird gel. However, OvoControl is the most effective solution for foundries and castings bird control because it is non-lethal, humane, and cost-effective. By using OvoControl, foundries and castings can reduce bird populations without harming the birds or the environment and reduce the need for ongoing bird control measures.