Power Plants Bird Control: The Most Effective Solutions

Written by Erick Wolf

power plant bird control

Countless issues around facilities mean that power plants bird control should be widely prioritized. Sadly, a significant source of profit losses is the result of failing power plants' bird control.

Thankfully, facilities no longer have to be victims of this never-ending battle with power plants' bird control. Today, bird control for power plants comes armed with an arsenal of effective and safe products.

In this article, we'll take an in-depth look at bird control for power plants, including discussing why it's crucial and identifying some of the most popular power plants' bird control methods today.

Why Power Plants Bird Control is Important

Reduces the Risk of Damage

Birds are notorious for damaging countless features found throughout power plants. The acidic nature of bird droppings can result in equipment corrosion. Threats of corrosion can ultimately cause quality control issues in power plants in the long run.

Decreases Potential Cost Threats

In addition to losing money to repair damages due to corrosion, birds can cause outages due to flashovers. Any power plant employee knows how costly outages can be to a facility.

pigeons at power plants

Minimizes Health Risks

Birds can carry various diseases, which can spread through their fecal matter. Help protect the health of power plant employees and the surrounding community by eliminating birds from facilities.

Additionally, birds can create both hazardous and unsafe work conditions. For example, equipment damage can cause worker injury and even death.

Saves Time

Save countless hours spent on cleaning corrosive bird droppings by eliminating the source. Rather than paying a cleaning team throughout the year, make the investment upfront to discover reliable bird control for power plants.

Prevents Potential Liabilities

Power plants are subject to steep fines when they are found guilty of killing birds, even if inadvertently. Avoid potential liabilities and penalties by ensuring no birds are around a power plant facility to begin with.

Most Effective Power Plants Bird Control Methods

Various factors go into determining the best bird control method for power plants, including the available resources, the size of the facility, and the types of birds common to the surrounding area.

Here are the most popular power plants' bird control methods available today.

Birth Control

Bird birth control is the most humane option when it comes to bird control for power plants. It limits the flocks' capability to multiply at rapid, uncontrollable rates rather than directly attacking the live population.

Bird Netting

Bird netting is one of the oldest forms of power plants bird control. This mesh creates a physical barrier to prevent birds from landing or nesting near crucial power plant areas.

Although bird netting can be generally effective on power plants, it is not the ideal solution for larger, more extensive facilities.

Bird Spikes

Bird spikes are another bird control for power plants that come in various splay widths, ranging from one to ten inches. Spikes work to help keep birds away from specific areas of power plants, but birds will undoubtedly find a way to rest in other locations whenever possible.

pigeons at power plant facility

Bird Deterrent Sound System

Using auditory stimuli to scare away birds, acoustic devices such as bird deterrent sound systems are another power plant's bird control option. Powerful electronic noise repellers work in these systems to frighten away birds and protect up to 6 acres of land.

Other options include sound systems that emit a pre-recorded distress and predator call. Intimidating them away from precious crops, these calls work against 22 species of birds.

Laser Bird Deterrents

Laser bird deterrents work to scare birds away by using a strong contrast between the laser beam and the ambient light. Avian dispersal lasers can startle birds and keep them away from power plants.

While lasers work as a safer alternative to power plants' bird control methods, they are limited during conditions with lighter ambient lighting. Additionally, laser bird deterrents tend to be highly species-specific.

Why is Ovocontrol the Safest and Most Humane Bird Control Method?

When it comes to finding effective power plant bird control methods, you’ll often find that it requires multiple options to get the job done. For larger, more extensive facilities, you might have to get creative and be highly flexible with your budget. Thankfully, OvoControl is the new solution to bird control for power plants.

How OvoControl Works

OvoControl is an edible, kibble-type bird birth control. Thinking it is food, birds consume OvoControl, which has a state-of-the-art formula strictly limiting the ability of a pigeon’s egg to develop fully.

The active ingredient, nicarbazin, was discovered as a bird birth control by accident, despite being used in chickens for enteric diseases for over 65 years. Researchers quickly found nicarbazin interfered with the egg’s vitelline layer, the membrane needed in an egg’s development. As a result, OvoControl integrated nicarbazin to serve as a bird sterilizer.

Final Thoughts

While there are a few different options for power plants' bird control, they often require multiple solutions and can still only partially be effective at minimizing damages and costs. OvoControl remains one of the most humane and practical solutions to bird control for power plants today. Its multiple delivery options make it customizable to any bird population size, while its non-toxic active ingredient ensures humane treatment of the birds.